Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Bursa Malaysia Counter Range Update 4.02PM

Gplus 1.41-1.48-1.55

twscorp 1.39-1.46-1.53

MMM 0.595-0.635-0.66

L&G 0.58-0.61-0.66

Welli 0.98-1.05-1.11-1.18

Ta-wb 0.625-0.66-0.695-0.73


Anonymous said...

Hi cslee, it seems this week alot of counters are starting to "active" again. And DJIA also break new high already. How do u view the market for this week and also the month of October? Thx.

Anonymous said...

Hi CSLee , Are you a fund manager?

CsLee said...


Actually the counter started active since last week, i think is collection. This week start to push up. This and next week should be ok. I will suggest you clear position before mid of this month if you are not high risk taker.

The chart still look strong, correction wouldn't come before mid this month if DJ no big fall.

By the way, I am not fund manager. :)

CsLee said...

HI man,

Hard to predict on tomorrow morning. could be start at same level. It depends on tonight DJ also. At this moment still ok, it wont drop too much. The run will be correct for a while then continue again. Anyway,if you look closely, the trend now not really bullish as early january - mid of March. So just follow the range, cut loss and take profit. Remember what i said, clear all stock before 16 october. :)

CsLee said...

hi sorry, I was away for holiday last thursday and friday. How is your stock portfolio? Making a lot? My opinion still the same, clear all before mid of October. Next week the run still will continue, I think by next friday will come to the end.

CsLee said...


Measat cant pass through 1.78, highest 1.77 then fall. You bought? make any $? what other counter you have now?